ESR Field Equipments

    Field trips represent an essential part in the Faculty of Earth Sciences (FES) and constitute an adjunct to on-campus lab work and classroom lectures. These trips form an essential and necessary component of scientific research at FES. The Arabian Peninsula provides an outstanding natural facility with its geologic features. The facilities which are provided by both King AbdulAziz University and FES include the following:


The following list is a suitable guide for field trip equipment and supplies, and can be modified according to the local condition and general personal preferences.


1-    Mapping equipment:





Safety goggles

Hand lens

hard-backed field notebook

Hard pencils


Camera, films, flash attachment

Leather case for carrying pencils, notebook, etc.

Base maps

Mapping boards/ mapping case

Pocket stereoscope

Aerial photographs, photomosaics, Satellite image prints

Small bag or rucksack for carrying rock specimens

Marking pens and sticky tape for labeling specimens

Small bottle of dilute hydrochloric acid

Small magnet



2-    Base camp office equipment:

Mapping pens

Waterproof inks

Lead pencils

Tracing paper/ tracing films

Colored pencils


Rubber eraser

Drafting tape

Ruler / scale

Lined and plain writing paper


Electronic calculator and spare battries

Reference books

Mirror stereoscope


3-    Camp equipment:

Tents ( with poles, guy ropes and pegs)

Electric generator

Ground sheets

Electric torches and spare batteries

Folding beds


Folding chairs

Mosquito net

Food boxes

Spade, hoe, axe

Water containers

Buckets, dishes

Folding tables




4-    Vehicle and equipment:

Fleet of 4W-drive cars

4W-drive trucks and pick-ups

Water tankers


Containers for fuel (drums, jerricans)

Towing rod or chain

Oils for engine, gearbox

Brake fluid


Spare parts

Battery acid and distilled water

Lifting jacks

Tool kit with spanners

Valve tool and tyre pressure gauge

Foot pump



5-    Cooking equipment:

Pans and cooking pots

Stove with fuel


Safety matches


Washing soap and soap powder


Water purifying tablets


Insect spray

Knives, forks, spoons


Tin opener

Drying cloth


6-    Personal effects:

Field clothes, including strong boots


Sleeping bag

Toilet articles

Torch and spare batteries


Pocket knife

Reading books

Sun spectacles

Transistor radio

Needles and thread, spare buttons


 7-    First aid and medicines kit:

A physician is accompanying the field trip for 24-hour advice. All possible medicines are available. Also, serums for treating snake bites and scorpion stings are available, and are kept for most of the time in a refrigerator in a special portable, manufactured clinic.



          Safety Goggles




           Acid bottle Sheath

            Hammer Holster







             Geo-Rock bag




             Brunton Compass




                   Hand lens

               Chisels Sheaths

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Last Update
1/7/2009 11:53:54 PM