Objectives of the Faculty

Faculty of Earth Sciences is working to achieve a full range of scientific objectives according to educational policy-drawn. The goal is to meet the needs of Saudi society of scientific talent capable of development of society in various fields.

The Overall objectives and goals focussed by the Faculty are as follows 

 Focus on preparing students in their specialized fields at the Bachelor and Masters level. Special attention is given at the Research evel for an outcome of professional Students

 The Faculty aims at contributing the the Knowledge base of the workers and the ministries involved in Earth Sciences and those that are closely associsted with this field.

 The Faculty also aims in developing the research work across the Kingdom by organizing seminars and training the personnel to carry out research work in the field of Geology

 Special focus is given to the development and research in the natural resources, minerals, oil and water to provide scientific advise to the concerned departments

 The collaborates with various communities across the Kingdom and engages in safeguarding the environment with an intention of keeping the citizens of the country safe

 Strives in writing research proposals about the local environment of the Kingdom and publish them as books or in journals to make the geography of the Kingdom available across the world

Last Update
9/11/2012 9:38:09 AM