تفاصيل الوثيقة

نوع الوثيقة : مقال في مجلة دورية 
عنوان الوثيقة :
قياس تركيز الكمل الدموي الناعي الثالث في البلازما واللعاب في حالات التهاب اللثة والأنسجة الدعامية للاسنان
Serum and salivary C3a concentration in human periodontitis .
لغة الوثيقة : الانجليزية 
المستخلص : Periodontal disea"es comprise a group ef inflammatory conditions affecting the supporting structures of the teeth. Periodontitis may begin as gingivitis which spread to the underlying tissues. Adult periodontitis' (A p) denote most forms of periodontitis in adults, while the term juvenile periodontitis (JP) describes relatively a rare forms of rapidly progressing periodontitis affecting ten ages and young adults. 'l'he role of eomplernent system in the inflammatory response of the periodontium has been reported by Mergenhagen et al. (1970) The eomplement eomponents are inaetive precursors protein present in serum and extracellular fluids. Complement activation leads to generatioll of intJall1matory mediators which may cause host tissue damage (Attsfroll1 et aI., H)75). Activation of complement can occure by several pathways; the classical, One which is trigg6red by immune complexes and involves S 1, C 2, the alternative pathway, tr ggered by polysaeeharides, lipopolysaccharides component. The alternative pathway begins by deavage of C 3 component into tow small frogments C 3a and C 3b ('l'sai et ad., 1977). C 3a fragment is responsible for chemotaxis of FMNI J and phagocytic cells as well as anaphylatoxine release which occures in early stages of periodontal intiammation (Tollel'sen and Saltvedt, 1980). Several investigators demonstrated the presence of different complement fragments in gingival fluids as C 3a which result from activation of C 3 by alternative pathway in response to dental plaque and their products ( Ward 1967, Niekrashi et a!. , 1984) and ( Kristoffersen, 1985 ). The purpose of the present investigation is to compare the level of C 3a in serum with that in saliva in cases of chronic gingivitis, marginal periodontitis and juvenile periodontitis. 
ردمد : 0 
اسم الدورية : المجلة المصرية لطب الأسنان 
المجلد : 35 
العدد : 3 
سنة النشر : 1989 هـ
1989 م
نوع المقالة : مقالة علمية 
تاريخ الاضافة على الموقع : Sunday, November 8, 2009 


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 25242.pdf pdf 

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